March 31, 2023
President and Representative Director
Hiroyuki Teshima
TOKYO PARTS INDUSTRIAL (hereinafter referred to as “We”) has established this Basic Policy, Information Security Regulations, and other related rules and regulations as its information security policy to protect customers’ information assets as well as ours from various threats. In order to fulfill this social mission, we will conduct the following initiatives:
- We shall take all possible initiatives to ensure customers’ information assets handled in the course of business, and shall place the highest priority on preventing risks such as loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of information.
- We shall implement appropriate security measures while maximizing our information assets.
- We shall establish management systems related to information security and put a person in charge of information security management by department, and shall implement, operate, promote security measures for information assets.
- We will continuously conduct educational and enlightenment activities towards our officers and employees related to information security and ensure that all are fully aware of our information security policy. All officers and employees who handle information assets shall comply with the Information Security Policy and fulfill their duties and responsibilities stipulated therein.
- We shall maintain and improve information security, taking into account technological advances and changes in the business environment.
- We shall comply with order of the Internet society and contribute to its sound development.
- We shall strictly adhere to law and government policies related to information security as well as other social norms.
- In the event of any violation of laws and regulations, breach of contract, or incidents related to information security, we shall take appropriate action and strive to prevent recurrences.